1. Clone this project by running the following command.

    bash git clone https://github.com/nwatchcanada/nwapp-front.git cd nwapp-front

  2. Intall the dependent libraries.

    bash npm install

  3. (OPTIONAL) If you are using Google Chrome web-browser, Please download the following Chrome extensions to assist you in your development.

  4. This project is uses subdomains to seperate tenants. As a result, we will need to bind a few subdomains to your hosts file. To do this follow these instructions.

  5. Update your hosts file to support our applications domain.

    bash sudo vi /etc/hosts

  6. Append to the file...

    text public.localhost london.localhost toronto.localhost sub1.localhost sub2.localhost

  7. Refresh the dns on your machine to support our new domains.

    bash dscacheutil -flushcache

  8. (OPTIONAL) You can override the environment variables if you like. Simply copy the current file and change according to your specs.

    bash cp .env .env.local

  9. (OPTIONAL) Edit your environment variables file to your specification.

    bash vi .env.local

  10. You are now setup!